Monthly Archives: March 2010
Disclosure of Your Statement Given to Your Insurer
On behalf of Bougadis Law Professional Corporation posted in court civil procedure, evidence, insurance law, motion, motor vehicle accident, production of documents on
If you are involved in a car accident, then your insurance company will likely obtain a statement from you as to how the accident occurred and also obtain other background information.
If the other car or people in the accident sue you as a result of that accident, will the material aspects or important points within your statement (to your own insurance company) be revealed in that lawsuit?
That is, the information you give to your insurance company (to defend you in the lawsuit) – will the person suing you learn about that information?… Continue Reading
An Honest Mechanic Turned Fraudster?
On behalf of Bougadis Law Professional Corporation posted in news & events on
We would like to thank Mr. Eric Lai of the Toronto Star’s Wheels section for allowing us to comment within his article last weekend.
Referencing Mr. Lai’s article, the Ontario Small Claims Court is not the only possible outcome to auto repair shop disputes, though the facts of last weekend’s question would require a lawsuit.
You can review the Ontario government’s website – the Ministry of Consumer Services (mechanic repair shops) – for their information services and dispute resolution guides/recommendations for further information.… Continue Reading
Housekeeping – Ontario’s New Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) – Part 2
On behalf of Bougadis Law Professional Corporation posted in accident benefits, insurance law, motor vehicle accident on
For most people involved in motor vehicle and car accidents, housekeeping has been eliminated as part of the Ontario SABS (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule) effective September 1, 2010.
The current legislation, which has been in place for years, was a total benefit of $10,400 if you qualified for the maximum amount. The current benefit makes available up to $100 per week in housekeeping benefits for the first two years after a car accident.
This entire benefit has been eliminated except for the most serious situations, which are catastrophic impairment situations.… Continue Reading
Higher Legal Costs in Ontario > HST Set to Begin July 1, 2010
On behalf of Bougadis Law Professional Corporation posted in news & events on
Currently, legal fees are subject to the 5% GST federal tax.
As a result of the recent passing of the HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) in Ontario, to come into effect on July 1, 2010, legal fees will be subject to the 13% HST tax. A further government circular is here listing various services affected.
This increase of 8% tax on legal fees will, ultimately, be borne most by individuals that cannot pass on the tax as opposed to corporations which can claim a credit.… Continue Reading
Changes to Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) – Part 1
On behalf of Bougadis Law Professional Corporation posted in news & events on
The long-awaited changes to the Ontario SABS regime (Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule) have just been announced and they will come into effect on September 1, 2010.
You can find the new Ontario SABS Schedule here (Regulation 34/10).
We will keep you updated on the changes and keep visiting for the latest developments.
For background, see our previous blogs including our Feb 10/2010 blog, Nov 2/2009 blog and also our April 7/2009 blog.… Continue Reading
Bougadis, Chang E-Newsletter – Spring, 2010 (March)
On behalf of Bougadis Law Professional Corporation posted in news & events on
See our March, 2010 e-newsletter for an update of the anticipated changes to Ontario’s car insurance regime regarding Accident Benefits.… Continue Reading
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