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Posts By: BC Admin

Toronto Star: Your Beef: Why did insurer approve repair estimate without reader consent?

Our thanks to Mr. Eric Lai of the Toronto Star’s Wheels section for allowing us to participate in his June 26, 2012 article, Your Beef: Why did insurer approve repair estimate without reader consent?

Gregory Chang
Toronto Insurance Lawyer… Continue Reading

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City of Toronto Has About 12,000 Car Accidents Per Year

The City of Toronto has recorded approximately 12,000 car accidents per year from 2004 to 2010

For the first 6 months in 2011, there were 5,133 car accidents in the City of Toronto.

In 2011, the majority of the accidents took place in weather described as “clear” by the recording Officer.

There appears to be an average of 50 to 60 fatalities per year in the City of Toronto.

More information available from the City of Toronto site here.

On the issue of distracted driving, as found here in an OPP press release:

• In 2010, the OPP charged 8,522 drivers under Section 78.1 of the HTA for using a hand-held device while driving.… Continue Reading


Toronto Star: Faulty used car inspection led to breakdowns. Should I sue?

Our thanks to Mr. Eric Lai of the Toronto Star’s Wheels section for allowing us to participate in his March 6, 2012 article, Faulty used car inspection led to breakdowns. Should I sue?

Gregory Chang
Toronto Insurance Lawyer… Continue Reading

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Toronto Star: I think my auto shop ripped me off. What can I do?

Our thanks to Mr. Eric Lai of the Toronto Star’s Wheels section for allowing us to participate in his February 27, 2012 article, I think my auto shop ripped me off. What can I do?

Gregory Chang
Toronto Insurance Lawyer… Continue Reading

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Punishing An Accident Benefit Insurer > $25,000 in Mental Distress Damages

The Issue

In Ontario car accidents, in most cases you will be entitled to receive Accident Benefits no matter who caused the accident.

But what if your Accident Benefits insurer is unreasonable in addressing your claims?  What if they deny all of your requests, without justification?

Below we review a case that awarded an insured $25,000 for mental distress arising from repeated denials by her Accident Benefits carrier of her applications for benefits.

Why This Matters

Accident benefits are the most common claim arising from any car accident.… Continue Reading

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$50,000 for a Broken Ankle

The Issue

A simple case which values a nasty broken ankle for a (then) 34 year old man injured in a bar fight, which required surgery and the installation of a metal plate and numerous screws to set his injured ankle.

Why This Matters

This is one simple illustration of the type of factors considered by a Court when assessing the pain and suffering damages claims of a plaintiff.

Legal Speak – all cases are different, so you cannot apply a formula to any one injury. … Continue Reading

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