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Posts By: BC Admin

Homeowner’s Insurance > Please Defend Me > Fighting with My Neighbour

As reported in the Ontario Reports, the 2009 Superior Court of Justice case of Glassford v. TD Home and Auto Insurance Co. (2009), 94 O.R. (3d) 630 (S.C.) deals with the duty to defend and the role of a homeowner’s insurance policy when you are sued in a lawsuit.

What happens if you get into a physical fight with your neighbour?  And your neighbour sues you for hurting him in that fight?

If you have homeowner’s insurance, then your insurance company may have a duty to defend you in that lawsuit – i.e.… Continue Reading

Pain and Suffering Damages in Alberta

As background, this follows our June 4 and June 5 blogs on pain and suffering damages.

Last week, the Alberta Court of Appeal in Morrow v. Zhang (2009 Alberta Court of Appeal) reversed the Trial decision which had previously struck down their threshold legislation regarding car accidents (see PDF version of Judgment here).

Therefore, as a result of the Alberta Court of Appeal’s decision, Alberta has a limit of $4,000 in damages for “minor injuries” suffered in car accidents.

It is unknown whether there will be an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, although one is expected.… Continue Reading

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Ex-Nortel CEO Fights his Insurer > Pay My Lawyer’s Fees!

A rather frequent issue is whether an insurance policy will apply to a lawsuit brought against the insured. That is, insurance premiums were paid at some point in time and now a lawsuit is brought against the insured and the question often is whether the insurance policy is required to “defend” the insured and/or provide “coverage” to the insured.

If the insurance company limits the scope of the policy’s response to the lawsuit, then the insured may choose to go to Court to determine how involved the insurance policy must become in relation to the outstanding lawsuit.… Continue Reading

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Tow Truck Operators > Their Duties and Your Rights

Our Firm answered a reader’s question posed to Mr. Eric Lai of the Toronto Star’s Wheels Section on Saturday, June 13, 2009 – you’ll find the article here or in PDF form.

For reference, a previous blog dealt with some issues regarding tow truck drivers.

Different cities in Ontario have different rules for regulating tow trucks in their city.  That may change soon as new proposed legislation – Bill 87, Towing Industry Act, 2008 – has passed second reading in Ontario.… Continue Reading


Consul General of Greece in Toronto

It was our pleasure to meet the Consul General of Greece, Mr. Dimitris Azemopoulos, on June 10, 2009 in Toronto – find photo here.

The Consulate General of Greece in Toronto plays a valuable role in the community and we wish Mr. Azemopoulos all the best and offer our support of his important endeavours.

See our previous blog regarding the Consul General’s recent address to the HCLA.

George Bougadis
Toronto Insurance Litigation Lawyer… Continue Reading

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Canadian Cancer Society > 2009 Relay for Life Event

We are proud supporters of the Canadian Cancer Society and their 2009 Relay for Life event.

The central Toronto event will be held on June 12, 2009.

Please consider supporting the Canadian Cancer Society and this event, by donation or by attending in person.

Let’s make cancer history.… Continue Reading
