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Your Children and Death Threats

As discussed in our April 14, 2009 blog, the case of Stefanie Rengel was heartbreaking and it was a senseless, sad loss.

Stefanie’s family is wonderfully strong.  In particular, Stefanie’s Mom, Patricia Hung, not only serves our community as a police officer, but also finds the time to raise a large family and perform various additional community service.

Mrs. Hung’s company website is here and one of her blogs is here.

Mrs. Hung also writes a blog, Joy in the Aftermath, which is about “finding hope through the darkness”.… Continue Reading

5th Annual Toronto Mock Trial Tournament

The OJEN (Ontario Justice Education Network) is holding its 5th Annual Toronto Mock Trial Tournament at Old City Hall, Toronto, on May 26, 2011.

As a non-competitive event, this program provides an excellent opportunity for high school students in the Toronto district who would not normally participate in competitive mock trials to get involved.  The emphasis is on experiential, rather than substantive content, and there will be no winners or ‘final’ round.

The Mock Hearings are held throughout Ontario.… Continue Reading

Bougadis, Chang E-Newsletter – Fall, 2010 (October)

See our October, 2010 e-newsletter for a summary of the changes to Ontario’s car insurance regime regarding Accident Benefits which came into effect on September 1, 2010.… Continue Reading

Hurt Before and Now Hurt Again in Accident – Can I Sue?

“I was hurt before in an accident and I was just hurt in a new accident.  Does my previous accident hurt my chances to sue for damages this time around?  Am I allowed to sue for my injuries in this new accident?”

A previous accident should not generally preclude you from suing for injuries in a subsequent accident.  If you suffered serious injuries in the subsequent accident, generally a lawsuit should be considered.

The existence of more than one accident affects the manner in which the lawsuit is argued as between the plaintiff and defendant.… Continue Reading

Canadian Cancer Society > 2009 Relay for Life Event

We are proud supporters of the Canadian Cancer Society and their 2009 Relay for Life event.

The central Toronto event will be held on June 12, 2009.

Please consider supporting the Canadian Cancer Society and this event, by donation or by attending in person.

Let’s make cancer history.… Continue Reading
