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Posts Tagged: court civil procedure

Facebook and My Space Users Beware – Your Personal Profile as Evidence in a Personal Injury lawsuit

Case Comment – Leduc v. Roman, 2009 (Ont. S.C.)


The rise of these social interaction websites has been chronicled for some time and even for those who do not use these sites, they are familiar.  With MySpace being purchased for $580M (US) in 2005, a small portion of Facebook being sold to Microsoft in 2007 (valuing all of Facebook potentially at $15B) and U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Obama utilizing the power of the internet to his campaign’s benefit, the power of the internet to spread information and gather people is acknowledged.… Continue Reading

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Court orders security for costs, cites cost of enforcing costs award

Case CommentLesecq v. Ottawa Montessori School, 89 O.R. (3d) 62, 2008 CanLII 580 (S.C.)


Security for costs may be ordered to prevent a party who is not under the immediate jurisdiction of a court or tribunal from escaping responsibility for an adverse cost award. Orders to post security for costs are common in personal injury actions where a plaintiff has been injured within the jurisdiction (frequently while on holiday) and then returns to his or her jurisdiction of residence after commencing an action or damages.… Continue Reading

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